
SUSTANON – Russian Anabolics


Composition :
Testosterone Propionate USP : 30 mg
Testosterone Phenylpropionate : 60 mg
Testosterone Enanthate USP : 100 mg
Testosterone Decanoate USP : 110 mg
Oil base : q. s.

Potency : 300 mg/ml
Package Contents: 1 X 10 mL Vial

About Product

SUSTANON is an oil based solution of 4 testosterone esters for IM injection including those of short, intermediate, and long half-lives. Serum testosterone will rapidly increase within 6 hours of IM administration and remain elevated for 7 – 10 days. SUSTANON has both anabolic and androgenic effects. SUSTANON will increase strength, muscle mass and improve libido.


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